Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Kailee's BIG Booboo

I was warned about little boys.  They get into everything, they're fearless, the get goose-eggs on their heads on a regular basis, they get cuts and scrapes galore.  Some of this was definitely true for Gavin.  He had goose-eggs all the time when he was 1 and now seems to always have a scab somewhere on his body as proof that he can't get enough of playtime outside.

I was not warned that sometimes the little girls are the bigger trouble.  Gavin is not fearless, Kailee is!  She is fascinated by our stairs, is trying to figure out how to climb up any and everything, and she was the cause of our first visit to the ER for an accident.

It was a typical Monday afternoon, I was printing out worksheets to photocopy, when I got the phone call.  Kailee was playing with a children's chair, fell and hit her head on the corner of it.  By the time I arrived, the bleeding had stopped though it began to bleed again in the car.  Her caregivers were wonderful, explaining where I could get after hours care and providing snacks for both kids.  We headed out, and I called our pediatrician to see what she recommended.  Her recommendation: head to Children's Medical Center (in Plano).  We were lucky.  The wound was not too deep and was able to be repaired with super glue (which I learned was originally used for medical purposes).
It would be Kailee, not Gavin.  She's supposed to be my dainty little girl.  Well, she's a bit of a firecracker and we have already learned we have to keep an eye on that one.

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