Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Battle of the Bed - Nap Time Edition

After the immense failure of cry-it-out the other night and a holiday weekend--which was no time to sleep train--I decided to work on fixing Kailee's nap time issues.  Her nap time issues began after she decided she could no longer sleep in her bed at night.  As a summertime stay-at-home mom, I was about to go INSANE without at least a short break from Kailee during nap time.  I felt like I NEVER got away from her because she wouldn't nap and insisted on sleeping with us.  That meant Kailee 24/7!

My little monkey continued to boycott her bed
by napping in her chair
Today, I started by getting her situated in her bed with her blankies and reading her favorite book Sometimes I like to Curl up in a Ball.  As I began reading, she started saying, "TV on!  TV on!" and when we got to the last page, she started crying, realizing I was about to leave and shut the door.  However, I changed my tactic today.  I left the door open, knowing full and well that she'd come out.  I set a timer for 10 minutes and every time she walked out, I walked her back to bed.  There were a few times that she stopped crying and considered staying in bed without protesting, but at the end of the 10 minutes, she was hysterical.  I sat her down and told her that I wanted to leave the door open but because she would not stay in her bed, I had to close the door.  The crying worsened when I shut the door.  Then 30 seconds later, it stopped.

At the 10-minute-post-door-shut mark, Kailee stopped the occasional fussing.  She slept for 1 hour 15 minutes.  SUCCESS!


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