Monday, April 2, 2012

When Brady is out of town...

It seems that whenever Brady is out of town, I find myself having to do some sort of sleep training for Kailee.  This time around, I'm doing it for both children.  We have gotten into the bad habit of allowing the kids to fall asleep watching movies.  Gavin is usually pretty good--he passes out on his own every night between 7 and 8:30pm.  Kailee is another story.  She often falls asleep in the pack-n-play in our bedroom at the foot of our bed.  She takes FOREVER to fall asleep!

So tonight, I decided to take us back to a bedtime routine.  We began at 7:30pm by going potty (or diaper changing) and putting on PJs.  Then brushing the teeth and reading 3 books (we each got to pick one, myself included).  Then they repeated a bedtime prayer after me, and off they went into their own "big boy" and "big girl" beds.

As I type, I am currently sitting in the hall outside both of their rooms so they can see I am still here.  This is more for Kailee than it is for Gavin because she turned on the waterworks.  I am hoping they both are asleep by 8:30 since I have to get them up between 6-6:30 tomorrow.  We have to be out the door by 7 in order to get Gavin to school on time without stress.

We'll see how this goes.  I have more patience for these battles than Brady does so I'm hoping to have us setup nicely with an established routine before his return on April 15th.

Wish me luck and pray for our success!


UPDATE @8:14pm - Both kids are snoring!  SUCCESS!  By the way, I'm scared to move from my spot in case I make too much noise and wake either or both.

This is what success looks like:

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