Thursday, June 30, 2011

Designer Diapers

Okay okay, so really, diapers with a design.  

I knew once they introduced the "denim" diapers that eventually they would produce adorable girly prints.  I had been great about avoiding them, rushing straight to the cheapest brand--Parent's Choice and Up and Up for example--without looking around at the other options.  Then the other day, while shopping for groceries, there was a display of these ADORABLE Pampers at the end of an aisle.  I couldn't resist, I bought them, and Kailee LOVES them.  She likes to pick which design I put on her.  Brady was immediately concerned that our diaper budget just doubled but I assured him that this was a one-time splurge... :)


1 comment:

  1. Beware the picking... I have vague memories of there being a period of time where Trajan really wanted to insist that he only wear Elmo diapers (the pampers with different Sesame Street characters).

    A happy momma is valuable, remind Brady!
