Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Facebook Withdrawals

Giving up Facebook for Lent was the best thing I could have given up.  First, it was a sacrifice for me as it was my number one place to go when I had a free minute (or even less than that).  Second, it was something I knew I could cut out without cheating at all, something I've never done for an entire 40 days.  Even when I added drinking water last year, there were days I didn't drink my allotted amount.  This year, I have stuck with it completely.

It hasn't even been difficult.  At first, it was hard, but I just removed the app from my phone and the link on my bookmark bar on my computer.  It's not even in my computer history anymore.  I expected it to be harder for me, but I easily adapted to life without Facebook... Until today.  Today, I am hungry for Facebook.  I figured it out and I have just under 76 hours until I can get back on!  Now that it's so close, I am eager to catch up with people that I only talk to through Facebook.  I want to see pictures, find out who has had babies (thank you so much to those who shared the births on blogs outside of Facebook), see if people had exciting news to share.  I'm so impatient now.  It's kind of like Christmas for me!

As seen on this blog, my extra time has been put into reading thanks to my Nook Color.  I take every spare moment to enjoy a few pages in a book.  While Brady watches sports or whatever on TV, I sit by and read instead of playing on Facebook.  My reading speed seems to have increased even more thanks to this.

I know it was good for me to give up Facebook.  However, I have a feeling if I wake up in the middle of the night Saturday night / Sunday morning, I will be getting on Facebook on my phone if it's after midnight!  :)

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