Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I'm a genius!

Brady is out of town which means I don't have help taking care of things around the house--like our children.  Most mornings with Brady gone are quite stressful because I'm worried I'll forget to feed the dogs or forget to let them outside, not to mention that I have to dress and feed 2 children.  Oh yeah and myself too!

Well, as of late, Gavin is getting pretty good at dressing himself (or at least helping dress himself) but Kailee is a wild one.  She tries to escape throughout the entire process.  What could take 2 minutes often takes 10 when dealing with an obstinate 1 year old.  

This brings me to my brilliance.  The past 3 nights, I have gotten Kailee dressed in her next day's school clothes before bed.  Monday night she slept in a dress, last night she slept in leggings and what might be the world's softest shirt, tonight she's sleeping in a dress.  I have successfully removed one of the morning's stressors by dressing her the night before.

Yep, I'm a genius!

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