Wednesday, March 23, 2011


So Kailee has been Miss Fussy-Foo since this weekend.  She's been super-clingy to Daddy, which of course made me insanely jealous.  At first, it hurt but then I realized that I should take it as a compliment.  She knows that Mommy is not going anywhere.  Mommy always comes back.  She isn't as secure with Daddy because Brady has drill one weekend a month and sometimes gets sent away for a week or two.  This realization made me feel better for me but worse for Brady.  Hopefully he is at least feeling very special that Mommy's girl is now becoming Daddy's girl.

Back to the fussiness though... Every morning, Kailee has been super-clingy to me (since Brady goes to work before she gets up) and has not been her normal cheerful self.  Today, I got a call as I was driving to pick up the kids after school.  It turns out, Kailee had a gunky eye and nasty running nose in addition to a 100.5 fever.  This sealed her fate of not being able to attend school tomorrow.  Thanks to our doctor's extended hours, I was able to take her in this evening and discovered that not only does Kailee have two ear infections, but she also has pink eye.  Fortunately, the doctor prescribed enough Vigamox for the entire household in case we all catch it.

I felt HORRIBLE that it never occurred to me that she might have an ear infection.  She really has been Miss Fussy-Foo, and I had no idea.  The doctor said one ear looked worse than the poster they have in each exam room of an infection.  Basically the ear infection's severity caused the gunkiness and pink eye.  It is very common for pink eye to begin as an ear infection in small children, something of which I was not aware.  Hopefully Baby-Face will feel better soon!

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