Saturday, March 12, 2011

The trouble with no Facebook...

I feel sooooo out of the loop!  I am used to knowing random stuff going on with random people.  I do not know how to set up my news feed where I only get certain people's updates so I get a random selection.  It's so entertaining and fun!  I also feel bad that I'm not wishing happy birthday to anyone unless I have them on my own personal calendar.  So if I miss you, Happy Birthday!

It's been 3 full days without Facebook and I am doing pretty good.  The only times I think of it are when I am bored or have a minute to spare.  Then I'd normally open the app and see what's up.  I also love to post pics of my beautiful children but I guess I'll just have to do that here for awhile.  (Enjoy the 2 pics from this week included in this post)!

I do want to remind everyone--as I have had a few people tell me they know I've cheated because I shared the link to my blog on FB--that on my blogs, I have a FB share button.  I click it and it sends my post to FB.  It gives me the option to add a comment (which I usually do) but I have not gone ANYWHERE NEAR FACEBOOK since Wednesday morning.  So do not think I'm on FB if you are reading this from FB.

Several years ago, I was trying to do something and a lot of people said comments along the lines of, "You'll never make it," "You can't do that!," and "We'll see how long you last."  I was telling a friend about it and she said, "That makes me sad that the people you care about and are surrounded by aren't being more supportive of your goal."

In that moment, a light bulb went off.  It never occurred to me to expect anything else.  I mean, I too have made comments like that when I did not think friends/family could pull off something.  I realized how completely awful it is to say things like that.  Why would I not want to support my friends/family to do something that was important to them?  It changed my perspective and made me commit to being the one that encourages them to succeed rather than cause them to doubt their capabilities.

Now with this whole FB thing, I know that no one is intentionally trying to discourage me, they just don't think I can do it because I am openly obsessed with FB.  I am on there ALL THE TIME.  I get it.  But the thing is, if you know me at all, if I commit to something, I do it.  If I truly and 100% commit to something, it will happen.  That is something that my dear friend Shannon often reminds me of.  I often throw around ideas and say I'm not sure if it will happen, but she constantly reminds me that I usually accomplish what I say I am going to do.  Thank you, Shannon! :)

Now I don't want ANYONE to feel bad if they made a discouraging comment to me.  I know it's hard to fathom that I will pull this off.  But, I will.  I knew in my heart that this was the biggest sacrifice I could realistically make.  It was either this or caffeine and let's face it, if I gave up caffeine, no one would want to be around me including myself. :)

So good luck to anyone else giving up something so big or adding something that's hard for you (I added drinking 60-100 ounces of water a day last year and I still do it daily).  You CAN do it!  We CAN do it!

Notable things from this week that I would have posted as statuses but could not:

-Find me on Twitter @LJ_Barber
-I got rear-ended while running late to professional development and still made it on time! (No worries, no damage to my SUV)!
-Prayers for Japan and all the people affected by the earthquake/tsunami
-Yea for date night with Kalea and Matt!
-Of course when I can sleep in, my body says no thanks!
-Yea for catching up with Roni!
-PF Chang's leftovers make for a great brunch! :)


  1. I believe in you, LJ! I just wish I had your will-power. I know I'm probably one of the random-ish people you know on Facebook, but I love hearing about your life, so I'm really glad you have this blog!

  2. I think cheating can't be determined by anyone else at all.
